Thursday, March 7, 2013

Volunteering Abroad As a Woman

In this article by Shannon Bardolo, she describes her journey to Lima, Peru for two weeks. Shannon graduated with a degree in English and wanted to do something useful with it. Once Shannon did some research she found an opportunity to teach English to students in Lima, Peru. She was overly excited about this opportunity and convinced her parents to let her go. She felt safe knowing that she was meeting up with the volunteer group once she arrived. 

The volunteer opportunity that she chose was an organization called Cross Cultural Solutions. This program offered volunteer work as well as free time to explore. While she was there she was to work in a school and teach four and five year olds basic English skills. She explained how these students were eager to learn and full of energy. Although, she did have to change her clothes in order to get approval of the student's parents. As you can image, clothing in the United States is dramatically different from clothing in Peru. 

Bardolo describes how this was an unforgettable experience that she will never forget. This is a great example of how people are trying to help and do good deeds for others. Bardolo was not forced to travel to Peru she wanted to go and help those students. She is a great example of how people are trying to help our third world countries and give back.

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